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constructive solid geometry中文是什么意思

用"constructive solid geometry"造句"constructive solid geometry"怎么读"constructive solid geometry" in a sentence


  • 构造实体几何


  • Polygonization of implicit surfaces with constructive solid geometry
  • 2 rossignac j r . constraints in constructive solid geometry
  • Constructive solid geometry
  • A quick visible algorithm based on dynamic constructive solid geometry reconstruction
  • ? to make the solid have realistic surface , we adopt advanced solid modeling method - constructive solid geometry . ? to free end - user from overwork , we presents and realizes many auto - processing algorithms , such as searching of inner - point , definition of polygon ' s counter - clockwise direction , as well as generation of numeric control codes . ? to checkout the collision and interference between cutter and part , we accomplish numeric control machining simulation , which can help end - user validate the correctness and rationality of numeric control codes , so it is needless that do repetitive test - cut before normal manufacture
用"constructive solid geometry"造句  
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